Why do you need to protect your data?
Your data is the heart and soul of your business. If it was unavailable or compromised you’d pay a big price potentially not only in dollars terms but also in lost productivity, reputational damage for starters.
You lock your home when you leave and you’d never leave your car unattended without activating its immobilizer would you? You should take the same approach with your valuable business data as you do with all your other assets.
Also, why would you pay for an expensive home alarm system if you are not using the locks on your doors already? Improved security starts with fully implementing the features you already have and with Microsoft 365 there are many. Unfortunately, most we see are never enabled and these existing controls can make your environment a whole lot more secure with no additional cost.
Doesn’t security mean complexity and cost?
The most effective security is generally the simplest. Things like Multi-Factor Authentication or MFA, where you enter in a passcode as well as a password can block over 99.9% of account compromise attacks and the best part is that this capability is free with Microsoft 365.
However, a report published by CoreView has revealed the majority of Microsoft 365 admins have not enabled MFA to protect their accounts from unauthorized remote access and are failing to implement other basic security practices. According to the study, 78% of Microsoft 365 administrators have not activated MFA and 97% of Microsoft 365 users are not using MFA at all!
Services like Microsoft 365 provide many different types of security and yet most are never enabled or changed from their default (read less secure) configuration. In many cases there is no need to invest in additional security, you simply need to fully enable what you are most likely already paying for. Ask yourself or your current provider whether this is actually being done, we’ll bet, based on the above statistics, that it isn’t. In short, that leaves you and your business more vulnerable.
How can we help your business?
Our deep experience with Microsoft 365 means that we can help you understand what security features you already have and how to implement them most effectively. We can also help you understand additional items from Microsoft you can easily add to further enhance your security.
Our approach is defense in depth. This means we look to enable as many layers of security as possible and importantly, ensure they all integrate together. This is a major benefit of Microsoft security solutions, they are designed to integrate together. In many cases, this means you can eliminate other independent third party solutions you may already be paying for that are not effective.
We take a business approach to cybersecurity by focusing on what is most effective. We understand that security is not just about technology, it is also about people and process. This means that we can not only enable the right security for your business, we can train you and your staff to be more secure with lower impact on your day to day operations as well as your budget.
Why use us?
In short because we do this every day. We work with Microsoft security technologies daily. We present on Microsoft security technologies to a variety of audiences, including technology resellers around the world. We also hold a number of current Microsoft cloud certifications.
We have developed a number of automation scripts to quickly and easily deploy best practices to environments, some of which we offer for free via our GIthub or via a paid Patron subscription.
We share a lot of the knowledge that we learn with security on our blog. and we’ve done this over more than 10 years. You’ll also find online courses we have created on all sorts of Microsoft security topics.
Most importantly, we focus on security from the Microsoft cloud, not every provider under the sun. From the security of your devices to the security of your data in the Microsoft cloud we use this technology ourselves to protect our own environment, daily. That’s what we do and continue to focus on every day. We do this so you don’t have and can rest assured that any implementation we are involved with is accomplished to best practices and appropriate for your business.
Our services
We offer a broad range of security services including configuration, evaluation, management and board reporting, training and more. If all you need is a review to determine how secure you are, we can do that also.
We’ll happily provide you a free no obligation initial remote consulting appointment so we can understand how to help with your security needs.