What is Digital Transformation?
In short, it means using the latest technology to replace traditional manual processes and methods with newer digital ones. Doing so not only improves efficiency and profitability but also enables new types of innovation and creativity in a business.
Technology should be serving your business. technology should be enabling your business to do more. Technology should be allowing your staff to shine and serve the customer better.
Businesses that are transforming have the edge in the modern environment today. They are more agile and can focus their resources where they are needed faster than their competition. They can also scale faster and with less resources than their rivals.
Why does my business need to transform?
Businesses that don’t evolve risk becoming static. As the saying goes “If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near”.
With the general business environment changing so rapidly, along with technology, it is clear that those that don’t transform run the increased risk of being unable to compete with those that have. Don’t over look the fact that many of the best employees want to work with the latest technology and in many cases are ‘digital natives’ having grown up with ubiquitous access to technology in their daily lives.
Ask yourself, how old the mobile device is that you carry around with you every where? Now ask yourself whether your businesses processes and methods have been updated or modernised in that same period? Chances are they haven’t. That puts your business at risk, maybe not immediately but eventually.
Every business today is a technology business. The technology available to businesses is the same, the difference is how the business uses it to deliver to its customers.
What does digital transformation look like?
It is an evaluation and implementation process. You start by looking at the things that you do and they that they are done in your business. Next, you look at the technology you have and its interaction with these processes.
In many cases, businesses are not fully exploiting all the technology they have available to them already. This is certainly the case with the Microsoft cloud. Such services contain a wealth of tools to help any business digitally transform.
It can start with something as simple as using OneDrive for Business on your mobile device to scan documents and save these to SharePoint. Once in SharePoint they become searchable, secure and accessible to others. We can show you because these exactly the transformational techniques we use ourselves everyday to improve our own business efficency.
Once all existing technology has been fully utilised it is then, and only then, time to start evaluating what other technology can be incorporated into the business to provide additional benefits and efficiencies.
Digital transformation is a process. Digital transformation is making the most of what you have to produce better outcomes for your customers then enhancing.
How can we help?
Our unique experience with technology and business can help you digitally transform. If you already are already using the Microsoft cloud, we can show you how to get more from what you are already paying for. We can provide you with a plan to help you effectively transform with minimal disruption to your business.
Because we focus on the Microsoft cloud and use it every day in our business we know what digital transformation is all about. But it doesn’t stop there. Digital implementation should be an ongoing process. As more services are added to the Microsoft cloud we ensure we are across all these so we can continue to help you make the most of these as they become available to you.
Let us show you the power of the Microsoft cloud with a free no obligation initial remote consulting appointment.